It is that time again.
After a summer of socialising, gaming and sleeping it is time to click back in for the new year of study. Here are 5 strategies to share with your young people to increase focus for the new year:
- Set individual goals for desired achievements. Review the last year and determine what worked, what needs improving and set achievable goals for the results desired. Goals are good but action is better. Plan how you are going to achieve your goals. Be realistic and honest with yourself. When are you going to work and when are no not working. Write it in a weekly planner and stick to it. Plan work time and down time and share it with others.
- Clear the attitudes that are not working for you. Clear the clutter. Clear your desk and bag to make the new year easy. Clear the thoughts that are not working for you.
- Decide what you want and go for it.
- Have your support team in place. Who is there to help when you need it? Get to know your new teachers and find all the support that is available at your place of study and at home. Remember, elite athletes are surrounded by a supportive team and you need to do the same if you want to achieve great results.
- Balance your life. You do not need to work long hours to achieve great results but when you are working work with focus and intent. You need to balance your study time, down time, interest and sports and of course time with family and friends. Make sure there is some time to just relax and have a life.
5 Ways to Focus your Teens for the New Year